We have a range of tried and tested liquid fertiliser products suitable for the Horticultural industry and broad acre farming

Below is a list of our products:-

Cereal Blend

This organic-enriched fertilizer concentrate has been specifically developed for application to cereal crops including wheat, barley, oats, triticale, sorghum, soybean, maize.

Chelated Trace Elements

Liquid nutrient mixes made to order, eg:
Calcium, Copper, Magnesium, Manganese, Manganese+Copper, Molybdenum, Zinc,etc.

Crop Stimulator

Organic-enriched fertilizer concentrate specifically developed for application to cereal crops:wheat, barley, oats, triticale, sorghum, canola, soybean, maize. Balanced levels of nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, chelated trace elements for robust growth.

Hi P

Liquid phosphorous, 15% w/v.

LCC Liquid Copper Concenctrate

A liquid copper fertiliser for the prevention and treatment of copper deficiency in a range of broadacre and horticultural crops.
Copper as Copper Sulphate, 6.7% w/v
Sulphur as Sulphate, 3.4% w/v

LMC Liquid Manganese Concentrate

Liquid Manganese fertiliser for the prevention and treatment of Manganese deficiency in a range of boradacre and horticultural products.
Manganese as manganese sulphate,17.3%w/v
Sulphur as sulphate, 10.1% w/v

LZC Liquid Zinc Concentrate

Liquid Zinc fertiliser for the prevention and treatment of Zinc deficiency in a range of broadacre and horticultural products.
Zinc as zinc sulphate, 16.7% w/v
Sulphur as sulphate, 8.0% w/v

Organo Gro

Balanced trace nutrients fortified with an organic blend designed to stimulate  micro-organisms and ensure robust plant growth.  It accelerates the plant’s metabolism, improves root growth and plant vigour.

Precision Wetter

A uniquely formulated blend of new generation Non-ionic surface-active agents designed to eliminate problems caused by water repellent soils.

Seed Feed

General purpose nutrient concentrates for wheat, barley, oats, lupins, faba beans, triticale, etc. Provides balanced levels of nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium and chelated trace elements that are essential for robust germination and seedling growth.

Maize Mix- Nutrient Concentrate-  Contains 9 Trace elements

Hi-K -Potassium Booster – Contains 30% Potassium


A concentrated seaweed based natural fertiliser that promotes root growth and plant development. Kelpsol contains all naturally occurring trace elements essential for healthy plants

Cal Nitrate liquid

A concentrated calcium/nitrogen fertiliser that can be applied through fertigation or as a foliar spray. It provides readily available nitrogen and calcium nutrition for vegetables, fruits, flowers and turf

– Contains concentrated 14.1% Calcium, 10% Nitrogen

NPK Booster

Should be applied as a nutrient booster for vegetables , gardens and turf. Apply automatically through a reticulation system, fertigation system or manually

– Contains 5% Nitrogen, 5% Phosphorus, 27,5% Potassium

Super Green

Should be applied as a nutrient booster to either lawn or garden foliageautomatically through a reticulation system, irrigation system or manually

Super concentrated – Contains 20% Nitrogen, 8% Iron

Vegetable Mix

This organic enriched fertiliser concentrate has been specifically developed for application to vegetable crops. It provides balanced levels of nitrogen and trace elementsthat are essential for robust growth. 

– Contains 9 Trace Elements

Power Grow 1

This organic enriched fertiliser concentrate has been specifically developed for application for a wide range of agricultural crops. It provides balance levels of nitrogen and trce elements that are essential for robust growth. PowerGrow1 contains high levels of Kelp for

– Contains Kelp, 9% Phosphorous, 7% Potassium, 5% Nitrogen + Trace Elements

Garden Magic

High strength garden fertiliser with soil wetter with Kelp for added soil nutrients. Stimulates growth for bigger brighter flowers and include fast acting nutrients

–Contains Fast action Nutrients

Lawn Magic

A nitrogen and iron lawn fertiliser with soil wetter which stimulates lawn growth and improves colour. Formulated for fast results and contains kelp for added soil nutrients.

– Contains Nitrogen, Iron and Kelp

Boron Solution

This is a micronutrient essential for healthy plant growth. Assists with flowering and fruit development and helps the transport of sugar in plants. Boron is also important to cell division and seed development.

– Contains 0.5% Boron

Carbon Active

This is a liquid Fulvic based soil amendment designed to reduce the effect of the environmental stresses of water, temperature and soil conditions on crops. Carbon Active acts as an organice chelator, microbial stimulator as well as improving enzyme systems in plants

 – Contains 10% Fulvic Acid

Carbon Liquid

This is a liquid humicacid based soil amendment designed to reduce the effect of the environmental stresses of water, temperature and soil conditions on crops. Carbon Liquid frees up nutrients that need to be made accessible to the plant in order to optimise both growth and yield

– Contains 16% Humic Acid