Seed Feed
General purpose nutrient concentrates for wheat, barley, oats, lupins, faba beans, triticale, etc. Provides balanced levels of nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium and chelated trace elements that are essential for robust germination and seedling growth.
Maize Mix- Nutrient Concentrate- Contains 9 Trace elements
Hi-K -Potassium Booster – Contains 30% Potassium
- Nitrogen 0.4 %w/v
- Phosphorus 10.0
- Potassium 3.0
- Zinc as chelate 3.0
- Manganese as chelate 3.0
- Sulphur as chelate 2.7
- Magnesium as chelate 1.2
- Copper as chelate 1.0
- Iron as chelate 0.4
- Boron 0.006
- Molybdenum 0.08
- Cobalt 0.0005
- Nickel 0.0004
This is a general purpose concentrate for seed feed applications. It can be used for wheat, barley, oats, lupins, canola, faba beans, triticale, etc. It provides balanced levels of nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium and chelated trace elements that are essential for efficient germination and robust seedling growth.
Seed Feed contains 13 essential elements for vigorous plant growth. Seed Feed supplies the trace elements and nutrients needed in early plant growth until the root system is robust enough to source these from applied fertilisers. Absorbed into the seed Seed Feed improves the nutritional status of the seed and seedling.
* promotes fast germination and vigorous emergence.
* improves the plants resistance to extended dry or wet periods.
* improves the seedlings resistance to insect chemical or soil borne disease attacks.
* improves resistance to root damage by certain chemical groups.
* supplied the trace elements and nutrients direct to the seed which
* bypasses some problem soils ability to tie up trace elements.
Mix at the rate of 5 litres of Seed Feed per tonne of seed. Seed Feed should be mixed with waterto make up to the recommended volume per tonne seed.
Wheat, barley, triticale, oats 5 litres of Seed Feed to 2 to 4 litres water/pickle per tonne of grain.
Lupin, faba beans 5 litres Seed Feed 1to 2 litres water per tonne of grain.
Seed Feed is compatible with many liquid fungicide (pickle) & seed applied insecticides.
Inoculants and alkaline formulations should not be mixed with Seed Feed.
When mixing Seed Feed and a fungicide or insecticide to water at the desired rate per tonne to make a solution of up to 9 litres per tonne.
KEEP AGITATED (please test compatibility before application)
Seed Feed should be applied evenly using a flat fan nozzle or nozzles and a pumping system that supplies an even flow and coverage to minimise hanging up in bins & silos.
Seed Feed should be applied through an auger to ensure thorough coverage. When conveying treated seed increased horsepower will be required. Some care will be required not to overload the auger.
Seed Feed may cause some changes to the flow characteristics of the grain treated so careful calibration of seeding machinery is recommended.
Seed Feed contains bonding agents to help coat the grain, these bonding agents can cause build up in seed metering systems if the grain is treated immediately prior to use. (belt metering systems appear to be least affected)
Seed Feed can cause some minor hanging up in silos, this can be minimised by using the recommended rates when mixing. Allowing drying time before use or conveying to silo can minimize these problems. Up to ½ hour for cereals, 1 hour for lupins and peas, 2-3 hours for faba beans.
It is recommended that Seed Feed be applied to the grain some time prior to seeding so that the product can be absorbed and dry before seeding.
Should be mixed with fungicides and insecticides at time of application to seed ONLY after compatibility is assessed first .
Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Keep out of reach of children.
Safety precautions: Contains phosphoric acid. Avoid contact with eyes and skin.
First Aid: If poisoning occurs, contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre. If swallowed do not induce vomiting. Give a glass of water. If in eyes hold eyes open, flood with water for at least 15 minutes and see a doctor. If skin contact occurs, remove contaminated clothing and wash skin thoroughly.